Home Upload Instruction to the Digital Print Studio
Order Form (Digital) – fill out in Acrobat ONLY
File Settings / Steps
If you have issues uploading TIFF files to Box, try saving your images as JPG at full resolution and a quality of 12.
Remember to size your images. Make the files your desired size at 300dpi resolution. 72dpi resolution is to small to print.
- AdobeRGB or sRGB ( not CMYK )
- 300 Resolution
Accepted File Types:
- TIFF ( flattened & no compression )
- JPG ( best quality )
- PNG and PDF file are NOT accepted
Include your Last Name at the begging of all your files, including your order form.
Turnaround times for pieces submitted outside of open hours don’t start until we open the next morning.
This may result in an automatic upcharge to RUSH depending on when you need your piece(s) done by.